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Operational Support

Londonderry / Derry, Spojené kráľovstvo

Lady posing

Popis práce

Job ID 140737BR

Job Status Zamestnanec – na dobu určitú

Category Prevádzka maloobchodu

Dátum uverejnenia March 25, 2025

Číslo pracovného miesta

Operational Support


Location: Primark Derry/Londonderry
Salary: £14.37 per hour
Employment Type: Temporary
Job type: Part time
Contracted hours: 30
Working pattern: Monday - Friday 8am - 2.30pm

We’re Primark – one of the biggest names in fashion retail with over 400 globally and growing. We’re all about fun, fashion, and a fabulous career.

This role is to create a safe customer and colleague environment in store.

As the Operations Support you will support the Store Manager and the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Lead with store operational and EHS tasks. You will act as the main point of contact to help maintain a safe working environment in store.

You will support the Store Management team with proactively mitigating hazards, conducting training programmes and driving operational excellence.

You’ll have a passion to pursue a career in the EHS field, be highly organised and have strong administration and computer skills.

In additional you will have a desire to provide a great colleague and customer experience as well as proven people skills, being able to build and maintain credible working relationships.

Primark offers an excellent salary, innovative training and development programmes and a fun, busy environment. Primark is just a great place to work!

Do it! Apply now…

Our fashion isn’t one-size-fits-all and neither is our culture. We strive to create an inclusive and diverse workplace where people can be themselves, have the same opportunities and thrive together. If you require extra support at any stage of the selection process, please get in touch with our team at

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Prihláste sa na upozornenia na pracovné ponuky

Prihláste sa na e-mailové upozornenia na pracovné miesta v spoločnosti Primark pomocou nižšie uvedeného formulára! Údaje, ktoré poskytnete, použijeme len na to, aby sme vás informovali o budúcich voľných miestach, ktoré zodpovedajú vašim kritériám vyhľadávania, ak a keď budú k dispozícii.

Záujem oVyhľadajte kategóriu a vyberte jednu zo zoznamu návrhov. Vyhľadajte umiestnenie a vyberte jedno zo zoznamu návrhov. Na záver kliknite na „Pridať“, aby ste vytvorili svoje upozornenie na pracovné miesto.

Podrobnosti, ktoré poskytnete na tejto stránke, nebudú použité na zasielanie nevyžiadanej komunikácie a nebudú predané tretej strane, avšak používame dôveryhodného tretieho partnera na hosťovanie tejto stránky a zasielanie upozornení na pracovné ponuky vo vašom mene. Môžete si vybrať toľko kategórií a lokalít, koľko chcete. Vašu e-mailovú adresu a podrobnosti uložíme, kým sa neodhlásite.