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Product Sustainability Coordinator

Bangladesh, Bangladeš

Lady posing

ID delovnega mesta

Job ID 140419BR

Job Status Zaposlitev za nedoločen čas

Category Dobavna veriga in skladiščenje

Datum objave March 31, 2025

ID delovnega mesta

Product Sustainability Coordinator

Product Sustainability Coordinator

Reports to: - Sustainability Specialist
Team: Product Sustainability
Purpose of the role:
The product sustainability coordinator is responsible for supporting the Product Sustainability team to convert product to more sustainable alternatives. Ensuring Primark Cares product adheres to the internal protocols.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • The role involves the collation and validation of all appropriate sustainability certification/accreditation submitted by the buying teams and recording centrally.
  • Support the Product Sustainability Team in training and educating the Buying Teams and Supply Base in ensuring that the appropriate sustainability accreditation/certification is in place.
  • Building strong relationships with suppliers across the globe and supporting suppliers and buyers to solve any issues that may arise on adhering to Primark Cares protocols.
  • Supporting the Product Sustainability team to convert materials to sustainable alternatives and to support circularity-based product initiatives.
  • Working with the Brand team to ensure all Primark Cares claims on Primark’s website are accurate.
  • Work closely with the Legal team to ensure that all Primark Cares protocols meet legal standards.
  • Building key relationships across the business including Environmental Sustainability, Sourcing, Buying and Merchandising Teams and with our external supply base partners.
Skills and Experience:
  • Passionate about sustainability and our planet and will appreciate the significance of the sustainability movement in the context of the fashion industry.
  • Thrives in a fast-paced environment and a very strong communicator.
  • Positive, curious with a solution orientated mindset and can work well individually or as part of a team.
  • Effective and inspiring networker with the ability to build strong working relationships with internal and external stake holders.
  • Excellent Excel skills and good experience of other Microsoft Office programmes, for example, PowerPoint, Access, Word, etc.

  • University Degree in sustainability or a related field
  • Internal candidates – will have a proven track record of a minimum of 12 months working with sustainable product within a fashion retail business.

Prijavi se


Prijavite se na e-poštna obvestila o prostih delovnih mestih v Primarku z uporabo spodnjega obrazca! Podatke, ki jih posredujete, bomo uporabili le za obveščanje o prihodnjih prostih delovnih mestih, ki ustrezajo vašim iskalnim kriterijem, če in ko bodo na voljo.o.

Zanima mePoiščite kategorijo in izberite eno s seznama predlogov. Poiščite lokacijo in izberite eno s seznama predlogov. Kliknite »Dodaj« in oblikujte obvestilo o prostem delovnem mestu.

Podrobnosti, ki jih navedete na tej strani, ne bodo uporabljene za pošiljanje nezaželene komunikacije in ne bodo prodane tretji osebi, vendar pa uporabljamo zaupanja vrednega partnerja tretje osebe za gostovanje te strani in pošiljanje obvestil o delovnih mestih v vašem imenu. Izberete lahko toliko kategorij in lokacij, kot želite. Vaš e-poštni naslov in podrobnosti bomo shranili, dokler se ne odjavite.