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Visual Merchandising Manager

Ljubljana, Slovenija

Lady posing

ID delovnega mesta

Job ID 140682BR

Job Status Zaposlitev za določen čas

Category Upravljanje trgovin

Datum objave March 29, 2025

ID delovnega mesta

Visual Merchandising Manager

Visual Merchandising Manager

Exciting news: Primark never stops increasing its business and opens in a new Country: Slovenia!
All we need now is the talent to lead this new opening. It’s an amazing opportunity!
We are looking internally for brilliant Managers to hire in our new store in Ljubljana.
You’ll bring a strong fashion experience to Slovenia. Are you ready for this adventure?

What you’ll be doing
You’ll make sure the new store looks amazing – both at launch and beyond. From store window displays to the interiors, managing your team of Visual Merchandising Assistant and Supervisors, you’ll deliver a look and feel that’s attractive and unique to Primark. Working with managers and sales staff, you’ll ensure everything – from mannequins to store fittings – is arranged in a way that’s enhances the customer experience. But at the same time, you’ll also keep on top of trends and keep refreshing displays, so that we constantly delight our customers.

What you’ll need
You are working as a Visual Manager for at least one year in one of our stores. You are enthusiastic and energetic, creative, proactive, customer-focused and passionate about fashion and sales. As well as an artistic eye, you are practical and know how to collaborate with other people to deliver your vision.
You are also a proficient English speaker.
All you’ll need to take part in the internal recruitment process is your Manager’s approval.

Why you should do it
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to introduce not only a store, but a fashion brand to a whole new market. What’s more, this could be an incredible growth opportunity: you’ll have the chance to live an exciting, international experience which will amazingly increase your skills set.
Prove yourself in this role, there is no limit to where you could go within Primark.
Prijavi se


Prijavite se na e-poštna obvestila o prostih delovnih mestih v Primarku z uporabo spodnjega obrazca! Podatke, ki jih posredujete, bomo uporabili le za obveščanje o prihodnjih prostih delovnih mestih, ki ustrezajo vašim iskalnim kriterijem, če in ko bodo na voljo.o.

Zanima mePoiščite kategorijo in izberite eno s seznama predlogov. Poiščite lokacijo in izberite eno s seznama predlogov. Kliknite »Dodaj« in oblikujte obvestilo o prostem delovnem mestu.

Podrobnosti, ki jih navedete na tej strani, ne bodo uporabljene za pošiljanje nezaželene komunikacije in ne bodo prodane tretji osebi, vendar pa uporabljamo zaupanja vrednega partnerja tretje osebe za gostovanje te strani in pošiljanje obvestil o delovnih mestih v vašem imenu. Izberete lahko toliko kategorij in lokacij, kot želite. Vaš e-poštni naslov in podrobnosti bomo shranili, dokler se ne odjavite.